Regional Alliance For Transit
Founded 1992

1000 Union Street, Suite 207
San Francisco, California 94133
Telephone: 415 440–6895
Email: RAFT@MTCwatch.com
Web: www.MTCwatch.com

October 30, 2008

Edmund G. Brown Jr.
C/o Office of the Attorney General
1515 Clay Street
Oakland, California 94607

Dear Attorney General Brown:

We wrote to you last August about the state’s Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the Bay Area, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and its long range plan to spend $223 billion over the next quarter century. RAFT is concerned that the plan does little to comply with the requirements of AB 32.

Your letter to MTC of October 1st on its plan and AB 32 is very well written. Members of our organization have monitored MTC since our founding in 1992, and encourage you to track the development of the long range plan.

RAFT still has not had a reply from MTC to our letter of last July. We have forwarded your letter to MTC to the following persons:

Loni Hancock, Chairwoman, Committee of Natural Resources of the California Assembly;

Darrell Steinberg, Chairman, Committee of Natural Resources and Water in the California Senate;

Hon. Fran Pavley, author of AB 32;

Edward Markey, Chairman, Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming in the House of Representatives; and

Barbara Boxer, Chair, Committee on Environment & Public Works in the Senate.

A copy of one of these letters is enclosed for your review.

If it would be useful to you, we would be glad to discuss MTC and its long range plan with you.


Peter Lydon
for RAFT